Taiga Kagami

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    01/01/1970 (0 yaşında)

Taiga Kagami


__Height:__ 190 cm (6'2'')
__School:__ Seirin High
__Number:__ #10
__Position:__ Power Forward
__Talent:__ Jumping power

Kagami was in America until second year of middle school and has recently come back to Japan in his first year of high school. He is determined to surpass "The Generation of Miracles" and become the number one. Along with Kuroko, they're the only two freshmen allowed to play in matches. (Even though it looks like they always disagree over things, he and Kuroko – nicknamed Seirin's Freshmen Duo – are actually on good terms.)

At the start of the story, Kagami is shown to have a huge potential – good build, height, skill in basketball – but his strongest weapon is his inhuman jump. With those jumps (that gradually get higher and higher every time), he manages to block his opponent's attacks.

He's really bad at studying and always get low grades, even in English. He lives alone, has an enormous appetite and is unexpectedly good at cooking. In the past, he was attacked by a dog, and that made him afraid of dogs.

~!In the second match with Touou, when hopeless in facing Aomine, Kagami enters "the Zone", which is a state of perfect focus during a game; you can't see or sense anything except your own match. In the next round with Yousen, he gets into the Zone again, even though it's hard to do it for a second time.!~

~!At the end of the Last Game movie, he reveals that he has plans to go back to USA to continue his basketball training there.!~


  • Kuroko no Basket: Last Game
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