Shinzo Yozakura

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    01/01/1970 (0 yaşında)

Shinzo Yozakura


__Affiliation:__ Yozakura Family
__Occupation:__ Spy (Gold Rank)
~!__Blooming:__ Destroy!~

The constantly jittery third child of the family, specialized in firearms. He often hides in a trash can.

Shinzo is a scaredy-cat, and he also has a rather low self-esteem despite his strength when serious. Shinzo always has one of his guns on him, even when he was a child. Without his weapons of choice, Shinzo seems useless and cowards in fear and distress. He gives off a different, more serious vibe as if he is focused on something important when armed. However, despite these weaknesses, Shinzo wants to live up to the expectations others set up for him and will try his hardest with every task.


  • Mission: Yozakura Family
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